make a low-footprint,
meaningful web app

You've validated an idea and are now ready to commit to developing it. End-to-end development for data-intensive prototypes and products. Create and launch an application, that you can sustain for the long haul.

Everything meaningful starts with a conversation, book a call or send me an email.

"Chris has been fantastic at supporting us the past year as we navigate our start up journey. Without his help, we wouldn't have built such a robust set of tools as we have now and be in the position for growth that we are."
picture of Adam Bastock Adam Bastock
@ Small99

You're looking for...

  • A technical wizard, a partner that you can trust who 'gets it', to make the most appropriate solution, but finding this within your budget is proving challenging and you're having to compromise.
  • A sustainable tech stack but you're finding it hard to find someone who cares as much as you do.
  • A demonstrable tech capability that can keep up with and enable feedback/outreach/sales/partnership developments, but are worried about being hamstrung by a lengthy development cycle.
  • Simple to understand development costs that you can easily plan ahead for, but time and materials estimates you're receiving are making you nervous.

Tech doesn't need to be so hard.

  • Work directly with an experienced developer that is committed to the environment, knows the data intricacies and can show the technical opportunities within.
  • Always be able to measure and report on the footprint of your entire software development lifecycle.
  • A deployed application that allows you to stay flexible and can build your own capability from.
  • No hidden or unexpected costs or ties to overly verbose contracts, development is always completed to a pre-agreed fixed quote.

Low-footprint meaningful development

Make a meaningful application, on a responsible tech-stack that can keep up with the complexities of our evolving environmental needs. I provide end-to-end design, development and delivery of a functioning prototype or first iteration of a product.

I specialise in data-intensive web apps and architectures. The tech I utilise minimises ecological harm, avoiding technologies that irresponsibly take from the environment.

I tend to stay away from big-tech platforms, opting instead for open source where possible, and the setup of a stack that you can then comfortably develop your own in-house capability from.

  1. Immerse in your strategy, use-cases, backlog and any other preliminary material you may have (if you don't have any of this then I'd always recommend we do some mapping before developing).
  2. Start development
  3. Receive daily updates
  4. Deploy
  5. Receive handover & training

How developing works

I don't take on pure implementation or team augmentation work. I'm a technology partner that takes ownership of my work from day one and so like all good meaningful endeavours, it starts with us having an initial conversation to see if we're a good fit for one another!

All being well you'll receive a project-based proposal with a number of different options tailored to progressing you to where you need to be.

Once payment has been received, and a start date agreed I'll share with you a kick-off agenda ahead of time. In the kick-off we'll agree ways of working, identify any key milestones, dependencies, stakeholders and add detail to the goals of the project together.

Development will then start.

Every day you'll receive an update from me. You'll also have 24/7 access via chat/mail to anything that occurs in between. I'll always respond within 24 working hours (though in reality it is usually a lot earlier than that).

Each week we'll have at least one review and feedback session together, though we may need ad-hoc sessions especially early doors to talk through any domain specific information.

Once ready we'll deploy it.

Then we'll enter a pre-agreed hyper-care period to ensure it beds in well. In parallel I'll then work to handover all code, documentation and facilitate training if required.

"An emotive project with difficult decisions to be made around prioritising features and functionality, Chris asked difficult questions of Noisy Cricket around data ethics and building trust with our beneficiaries, while building confidence in the team to balance this with value-building functionality for our customers. The result was a high fidelity MVP in the matchmaking platform built, a sense of confidence in best serving our audiences needs and a great relationship with the tech team. He’s a rare mind and soulful tech strategist, and we can’t wait to work with him again at Noisy Cricket."
picture of Lauren Coulman Lauren Coulman
@ Noisy Cricket
"Chris is the type of tech leader I love working with. He executes his duties in the style of a true collaborator, one where disciplines and craft are what you bring to the table but working together to jointly solve problems is the priority. It’s in this highly collaborative approach that I felt Chris shined above all others. He's as interested in the big picture and challenges for all disciplines as he is in the technical landscape."
picture of Ray Mosley Ray Mosley
Head of Design
@ eBay

Pricing & guarantees

Due to the varied scopes of prototypes and products pricing is custom and project-based. We'll need to have a no obligation conversation to determine what you're trying to achieve, and indeed whether development is even the most appropriate solution for you.

All being well then I'll provide you with a proposal containing recommended options with fixed quotes, not estimates.

In addition I provide a bug free guarantee for the initial deployment of the application. This does not come with an expiry date this guarantee is as simple as it sounds. If there's a bug reported in production, then I'll fix it free of charge in a timely manner.

I also include at least 1 month of 'hyper-care' post-launch. This is where I'll monitor how the app is performing in production for you. This is a proactive approach to ensuring all infrastructure configuration has been optimally tailored for real traffic and real behaviour.

If within the first 30 days you're unhappy with the quality of work then I'll refund you the entire fee, no questions asked.

Some frequently asked questions

    What technologies have you worked with?

    Too many to list here but the following will give you some sort of 'flavour';

    javascript / typescript / react / vue / next / node / svelte / python / django / flask / tensorflow / scikit-learn / kotlin / rust / solidity / green infra / openstack / serverless / linux

    I've worked on - web2/3, app, api, iot, ai/ml, data - centric projects with the list always growing. In the past I've been certified for AWS, Azure and GCP but these days I encourage exploring self-hosting, utilising open source, portable solutions or distributed architectures where possible.

    How long will it take to develop?

    Development will continue until we've agreed the project goals as outlined in a signed proposal between us. Scope and time can both change provided it directly supports the goals of the project.

    Having said that I aim to create something meaningful in weeks and not months. I utilise a number of proven patterns and frameworks to get us quickly to where we want to be.

    How do you price your work?

    Every development project is different and is priced individually. I take everything into consideration, especially the mission.

    I'll give you a fixed price for the entire project. That way you'll know, prior to making the investment, exactly how much it's going to cost. As I only work to fixed price agreements, alongside my guarantees, I'm incentivised to work quickly and to a high quality to make sure we achieve the goals together.

    Will you consider taking equity?

    No. I don't think playing the equity game is a great recipe for the long-term sustainable changes our eco-systems need us to make. I don't believe equity should be the default, bootstrapping and building on real revenue is a lot healthier.

    Will you sign an NDA?

    Yes. I'll be more than happy to sign an NDA, provided it is mutual and we have a commercial agreement already in place.

    I do not need access to confidential information or trade secrets in order to have an initial discussion with you to determine whether we're a good fit.

Send me a direct email to if you don't see an answer to your question here.

Principles for meaningful apps

  • 1. Tech should serve us and not the other way around. Nature is our majority stakeholder. Let's do the hard work to make visible, avoid or mitigate the unintended cost of digital.
  • 2. Strategy, design and development are parts of the same whole. None of them succeed in a vaccuum. We make better things when these work together.
  • 3. It matters what technology choices and practices we employ. When working for environmental benefit then privacy, security and sustainability are not optional but fundamental for a more convivial world.

Who on earth am I?

A profile picture of Chris Oram standing in a forest

My name is Chris Oram. As you'd expect, I'm a former software developer, tech lead, architect, 'head of', advisor to 'C' people and overall digital maker for too many years (15+ if you want a quant). I provide tech strategy, capability development and software to those who care about the environment.

I've made tech stacks and cultivated teams for public and private sectors spanning finance, media, retail, food, education, government, socialcare, healthcare and deathcare (yep, that's a real thing). I've been trusted by well known mega corps. But now I help small teams to do more with less.

Tech is not neutral. How we intentionally apply it, matters. I advocate for sustainable engineering, post-growth/degrowth/coop models, local-first software and fostering FOSS.

I write a newsletter called spored that puts a lens on biodiversity software. If you'd like to read more about me, here is my personal site.

When not strategising, developing or hitting a keyboard I can be found home steading, rambling or running outdoors 🌲🌲🌲.